Key Concepts

Here are some concepts we use regularly to describe various aspects of the writing gig. We'll add to this as we progress on our journey.

Story mechanics
A term used to describe the parts of the story engine: theme, plot, character, backstory, point of view, mise-en-scène, narrative drive, central dramatic question ...

Story magic
That's you, because only you have the unique point of view that you have. Which is down to your backstory (the things that have happened to you in your life to date), your current circumstances, your biological make-up, your values, your sense of humour, your mindset, and your skills.

Units of Story
The parts that make up each and every story: words, phrases, scenes, chapters, acts, entire manuscripts. Because stories are organic, you'll ideally have a beginning, middle and end in a short scene or a piece of dialogue (sometimes even a single sentence) ... just as you'll have it in the larger arc of the story.

Editor's Hat, Writer's Hat
Terms used to distinguish between the distinct processes of writing and editing. These hats are not to be worn at the same time!

Colouring/coloring outside the box

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